From your overall process to every single pay period, it’s important to have documentation for everything. In the event that you happen to miss a payroll tax filing or you get audited, not having proper documentation can hurt your business. Payroll software will keep most of the required documentation for you without you having to worry about keeping track of anything manually. This is the easiest way to manage your payroll because you don’t have to do anything but notify your payroll service of new employees and then make sure you have the funds in your bank account.
(In some states, tips count toward hourly pay.) Look for errors in withholdings or deductions, calculated hours and total pay for the period. Payroll software will generally flag some potential inaccuracies automatically, but other mistakes may be subtle and harder to catch. As a business owner, you’re responsible for making sure your payroll is accurate, but that doesn’t mean you need to manage all aspects of the process yourself.
Get pricing specific to your business
When selecting a payroll service, it’s a good idea to check out the online reviews. Most payroll service companies charge per employee on top of a monthly base fee. Consider how many people are on your payroll when selecting a payroll service, as it can get pricey the bigger your team is. Some payroll services also have an employee cap, which can limit how many people you can run payroll for.
Doing payroll manually is the least expensive option, and about 25% of small businesses take this low-cost approach. Simply put, manual payroll means relying on paper ledgers or spreadsheets. Note that this method carries more risks – not only does it take more time to enter information manually, but you must do research to make sure you’re adhering to federal and state rules. If you make any errors, you could end up paying more in penalties than it would have cost you to outsource this task. If employees raise concern about or have difficulties complying with payroll policies, then it’s time to review your policies (and documentation) for accuracy and clarity. Employees must understand their role in the payroll process to complete tasks like time sheet submission or timecard use properly and on time.
No matter what, your business or company must be compliant with both federal and state laws. This means that you (or someone in your company) needs to understand what your legal and financial obligations are as an employer. The Ascent is a Motley Fool service that rates and reviews essential products for your everyday money matters. A well-managed payroll system neatly houses all your payroll documents for easy access in those situations. Any tax professionals you bring in to help you answer an IRS inquiry letter will thank you for having an organized payroll system. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires that you hold onto employee payroll records for at least three years.
- While employee information is typically collected during the onboarding process, employees also need to let you know when their information changes.
- With a keen focus on automation, the platform simplifies payroll processing, making it a seamless endeavor.
- For active employees, you cannot dispose of time cards for two years, and any payroll information regarding paid wages for at least three years.
- You can choose to pay your employees on a weekly, biweekly, semimonthly or monthly basis depending on your business’s cash flow.
Auditing the process can help you unlock new efficiencies or opportunities to teach your payroll team how to handle routine tasks or escalation issues better. The primary drawback of this method of managing payroll is the cost, as it’s the most expensive option. Many businesses appreciate the touchpoint with their employees of managing the process and making sure they are the ones that deal with any issues that come up. Having a third party handle that could impact your business culture in a way you may not intend. Employees want to be paid on time and if you can’t manage payroll efficiently, then you could lose important members of your team and even have legal difficulties.
Setting up payroll and administering it accurately, as difficult as it may seem at the outset, will save your business both time and money. Timing is important since late payment is one of the most common mistakes small businesses make. More than 40% of small businesses are fined every year, most often for paying payroll taxes late; these fines average $850 per year. Offering flexible payment options is another way to streamline your payroll process. Different employees may have different preferences—some might prefer weekly payments, others biweekly or monthly. Some might prefer direct deposit, while others might want a check or even a payroll card.
Regularly Review and Update Payroll Procedures
The platform offers accurate payroll tax filing, enhanced HR features, and self-service capabilities, catering to the needs of growing small businesses. However, limited customer support on weekends and potentially higher pricing for organizations with a large number of employees are factors to consider. If you prefer handling payroll on your own, payroll software can help you save time, automate certain processes and reduce the chance of mistakes. Many products can handle payroll tax filing and payments on your behalf, but you’re still ultimately on the hook for meeting those obligations.
Check with your local labor office to see what records you need to keep track of to remain compliant. Employees may also opt into additional deductions to fund a 401(k) plan or a Health Savings Account (HSA), for example. Put the policy in writing, display it prominently throughout the workplace, and ensure each employee has a copy. Additionally, if you offer employee benefits, you will need to give each new hire paperwork that describes the terms and conditions of those benefits and, in some cases, request that they sign. Communication will help identify areas of misunderstanding such as improper time sheet submission or issues in the use of timecards. Inviting suggestions on improvement will encourage support from your staff after changes are implemented.
Determine a payroll schedule
If your state or county charges income taxes, then you will have to withhold and pay those taxes for the employee. Otherwise, you can choose the cadence that works best for your business. About 36% of companies pay their employees every two weeks, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
This is the most hands-off approach, giving you time back to spend on growing or operating your business. Contributions to Social Security and Medicare taxes (known as Federal Insurance Contributions Act, or FICA, taxes) are paid by both the employee and the employer. That means you’ll also need to pay the employer portion of FICA payroll taxes to match your employees’ contributions.
Complete Onboarding Paperwork on Time
Many companies will require you to contact them for a quote, as they will tailor their services for your unique needs. The entire process involves collecting employee data and inputting it correctly into a file or document. You’ll have to calculate each paycheck for every pay period, making sure taxes are calculated correctly. The last step is making sure both your employees and the appropriate government agencies are paid on time correctly. It’s important to understand the right way to manage your payroll so you’re compliant legally. If you plan to grow your team in the next few years, consider investing in a payroll service that can scale with your business.
Payroll Services
Novo Platform Inc. strives to provide accurate information but cannot guarantee that this content is correct, complete, or up-to-date. This page is for informational purposes only and is not financial or legal advice nor an endorsement of any third-party products or services. Novo Platform Inc. does not provide any financial or legal advice, and you should consult your own financial, legal, or tax advisors. Make sure to compare services carefully and understand what your payroll processor will charge you for the service. You should also verify if they’ll be on the hook for any payroll problems, like incorrectly reporting taxes.
Determining the absolute most popular payroll software is challenging as it varies depending on business needs. However, QuickBooks Payroll stands out as one of the most versatile options. Its popularity stems from its comprehensive features catering to businesses of all sizes and industries. Reconciling payroll essentially means checking your work and making sure your expected payroll matches your actual payroll. Comparing the current payroll to the prior period can also help you spot anything out of the ordinary.