Software development

Alpha Testing Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide With Best Practices

During the first phase, testing is typically done by developers and involves mainly white-box testing techniques. They either use hardware-assisted debuggers or debugger software. Usually while alpha testing, a tester will come across to plenty of bugs, crashes, missing alpha test definition features, and docs. Beta version of the software is released to a limited number of end-users of the product to obtain feedback on the product quality. Beta testing reduces product failure risks and provides increased quality of the product through customer validation.

alpha test definition

A golden master build is typically the final build of a piece of software in the beta stages for developers. Typically, for iOS, it is the final build before a major release, however, there have been a few exceptions. The alpha phase of the release life cycle is the first phase of software testing . In this phase, developers generally test the software using white-box techniques. Additional validation is then performed using black-box or gray-box techniques, by another testing team.

British Dictionary definitions for alpha test

Beta testing is conducted in a client’s or customer’s location and to test the software from a user’s perspective. An alpha test is a form of acceptance testing, performed using both black box and white box testing techniques. As it is the first round of testing a new product or software solution goes through, alpha testing is concerned with finding any possible issues, bugs or mistakes, before progressing to user testing or market launch. Alpha Testing is a type of software testing performed to identify bugs before releasing the software product to the real users or public.

It is usually performed using white box testing and black box testing techniques. A release candidate , also known as “going silver”, is a beta version with the potential to be a stable product, which is ready to release unless significant bugs emerge. In this stage of product stabilization, all product features have been designed, coded, and tested through one or more beta cycles with no known showstopper-class bugs. A release is called code complete when the development team agrees that no entirely new source code will be added to this release. There could still be source code changes to fix defects, changes to documentation and data files, and peripheral code for test cases or utilities. Beta testers, if privately selected, will often be credited for using the release candidate as though it were a finished product.


Without proper planning, an organization could end up feeling trapped in its relationship with a cloud provider. When it comes to small-size projects, Alpha tests is not necessary. Furthermore, increasing the budget increases the project implementation period. Provides crucial insights into the dependability of the software while also shedding light on the potential issues that could arise. While Alpha testing is not fully functioning, the QA team must verify that everything on board is well verified, particularly anything that will be provided to the client.

A feature complete version of a piece of software has all of its planned or primary features implemented but is not yet final due to bugs, performance or stability issues. Don’t wait till beta testing − Although beta testers may discover the same fault that was discovered during alpha testing, there’s really no certainty. Furthermore, the more items corrected during alpha testing, the superior the product will seem to public beta testers, who will not be diverted by identified faults. Because such environmental tests cannot be performed in a stage/lab setup, dependability and security testing are often performed during beta testing rather than alpha testing. The key purpose is to identify “stunners” and other severe flaws and difficulties as quickly as feasible before proceeding with beta testing.

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Black-box testing, on the other hand, only considers the external behavior of the system. The critical issues detected during alpha testing are evaluated, prioritized, and resolved as quickly as possible and retested in a refreshed test environment. Alpha testing requires a lab, testing, or staging environment and involves both white- and black-box testing techniques. An alpha test relies on internal testers — team members, stakeholders, etc. — at the developer’s site, in a virtual environment similar to the actual production environment. You may have also heard of beta testing, which takes place after alpha testing and is performed by potential end-users. Boot camp for sales and marketing—The alpha testing period is an excellent opportunity for the sales and marketing organizations to become more familiar with the latest iteration of the product.

  • Some software is released with the expectation of regular support.
  • On the other hand, Beta Testing is performed by real software application users in a real environment.
  • Internal testers and developers perform alpha testing instead of the actual customer.
  • The key purpose is to identify “stunners” and other severe flaws and difficulties as quickly as feasible before proceeding with beta testing.
  • They analyze the performance and functionality of the product based on test cases and tasks that are included in the product’s service.

The team that conducts the alpha test is often an independent test team, perhaps made up of potential users/customers. Alpha testing involves simulating a real user environment by carrying out tasks and operations that the actual users might perform. Once software passes the alpha test, it is considered for the next phase of testing called beta testing. The product manager wants to make sure features are shipped with minimal bugs and defects. The Agile Manifesto espouses speedy delivery over perfection, so the product manager must ensure that alpha testing doesn’t become an endless cycle.

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While an exhaustive and comprehensive review by employees may seem resource-intensive, nothing can replace the experience of a few extra sets of eyeballs reviewing a product’s functionality and ensuring things work smoothly. Alpha testing is a worthwhile investment of company resources and should be routine for any major release. It replicates the production environment, but some defects arise because of environmental issues.

alpha test definition

Like any other testing, the aim of the alpha test is product refinement through bug fixing, error identification, and tweaking. Every software product needs to undergo a vital methodology before going into a highly competitive market. It needs to be considered by going through the functionality of the software and achieve the confidence in its user acceptance for the real environment, before releasing it into the market. In phase two, the quality assurance and a select group of internal resources test the product. Though this phase can include white-box testing, the focus is on black-box testing techniques because of the limited technical expertise of those involved. Naturally, Lyra wants to improve her online store’s user experience and usability and, in doing so, increase revenue.

Alpha Test (Product) – Explained

Alpha testing may require a longer execution cycle involving multiple test cycles, during which the development team identifies and resolves critical bugs and defects and testers retest the fixes. Beta testing, on the other hand, is performed in the production environment. Beta testing aims to measure quality by collecting customer input on the product’s usability and gauge its viability for release to a broader customer base. The product manager considers adding any potential improvements to the product roadmap. Alpha testing is a step in the software release lifecycle designed to validate initial end-to-end user acceptance, adherence to product requirements, and that the product generally functions as intended. Usually, an alpha testing takes place in the test lab environment on a separate system.

alpha test definition

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