Software development

How to Build a Successful Cloud Team

In order to successfully migrate to the cloud, it is important to carefully plan and execute
each step of the migration process, including assessment, planning, execution, and ongoing management. A project could include multiple engineers to focus on different areas of cloud operations, such as networks, compute, databases, security and so on. Once the cloud infrastructure is set up, engineers will provide the first line of support and maintenance. For example, if metrics report faltering performance of a cloud application, it’s the engineers who get the call to investigate.

cloud team

After those first wins, the focus shifts from first workloads to ensuring that teams can self-service. When you start to employ new ways of thinking and working, you can work faster. When you do that and get the first wins in, the business begins to take notice. As enterprises approach a certain size — it could be more than 150, 500, or 1,000 — they often silo themselves into specialist teams.

Cloud Architect

They also create, implement, review and update processes to meet evolving requirements. Cloud architects often help to design applications so apps function effectively in the cloud. They can also be involved with the creation of an efficient, reliable cloud infrastructure that enables applications to achieve high availability. The emphasis on design requires architects to understand cloud technologies in detail and remain current with cloud developments.

Communicating and gaining buy-in are team efforts and will require executive support, as well as training or input from experts in their areas such as the cloud architect, engineer, and software developer on the team. 18F was founded in 2014 and has been deploying new products since soon after. As 18F scaled up the number of teams, it became clear that cloud operations could be a bottleneck. The list of good practices for government digital services introduced by law and federal agency requirements was far greater than the accompanying support implementers need to do them efficiently. Start by appointing a suitable candidate from within the organization, with the right skills to guide the project in the right direction and liaise between leadership and the rest of the team, as cloud operations leader.

How to create a Cloud Leadership Team

If you are lucky, you can find these people within your own organization. But there’s nothing wrong with looking at outside resources to build your dream team. To solve the bottleneck problem, 18F focused on technical operations that could act as force-multipliers for each team, including stronger cloud operations. The first prototype of the platform took about three months to complete, and teams began to deploy their work to production about a month after that. Today, it is a product managed outside of 18F that is available to other government agencies. When recruiting personnel for your cloud operations team, focus on individuals with cloud certifications, like Google Cloud Platform Certified Professional or the AWS Certified Solutions Architect.

  • They understand the fundamentals of how a car runs and are probably experts on replacing a carburetor or fixing a timing belt.
  • Additionally, they are responsible for ensuring security and compliance related to frameworks such as HIPAA, PCI, and HITRUST.
  • This means you can access people with specialized certifications, such as the AWS Certified Security specialization.
  • As a highly technical role requiring extensive experience, cloud architects must understand cloud service models (IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS), virtualization technologies, and cloud security principles.
  • And in doing so, they may create a bottleneck for the entire company’s cloud adoption efforts — the exact opposite of their goal.

Your cloud environment contains many moving parts with many people working at various levels. Diagram your cloud architecture to contextualize all those moving parts and visualize how everything fits together, what your current environment looks like, and what areas need attention. Automatically visualize your entire cloud environment with Lucidscale to see key cloud governance data in context. Simply connect your cloud environment through third-party access to generate your full cloud infrastructure organized by cloud, region, compute instance, or other resources. Managing cloud operations efficiently and ultimately achieving cloud success can be made easier by following an agile project management methodology.

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